Saturday, September 1, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

Not even thinking about a special night under the 'blue' moon,  a wonderful night for a boat ride was predicted. Diann and Vince were free and so were we; so we met at Angie's Italian Restaurant for dinner and then set out for the lake. And it really turned out to be much nicer than we had thought it would be.  The temperature was perfect with low humidity and then that moon, wow.  

Okay, not everything was perfect. Evidently the mosquitos liked that moon as well. It's a good thing I took some spray.  Even though there had been a lot of hype in the news about West Nile virus and a super abundance of mosquitos this year, we had not been bothered by them...until last night.   

It was fun getting together with old friends. We had some lively discussions, especially about politics... one of my main interests in this season...well maybe always.  But as much as we love the Republicans running with a plan and fear four more years that would totally devastate us, we are secure in the fact that God is in control.  

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