Monday, July 7, 2014

Wall Project 3

Ron got the nickname of Nehemiah over ten years ago, when he completed the mammoth project of building several long, high walls on our last property. He spent all summer at it, literally. Two summers ago, you might remember, he built a seawall over the section of property that is in front of this house.  (Last summer, when he tore down a rental, it left us with twice as much frontage on the lake...1/2 of which needs a new sea wall. I was terrified he would attempt to do that portion of the wall this year. You see, I fear he is too old to be doing this to himself.  

Well, he was feeling deprived, I suppose, and finally found the site for another wall, lesser than his other projects, but still a manly endeavor. He built one along the north side of our driveway. These two layouts give you an idea of this job. Tomorrow, I hope to show a little surprise concerning this block work.

Thank you, Father God, for allowing us to work with our hands and minds to your glory. May we show forth your love each day of our lives and glorify your name forever. Amen

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