Tuesday, March 8, 2016

It's a Birthday Cake

It's hard to say who really enjoyed this birthday the most.  John is at a point where birthdays are okay, he's not young enough to look forward to them and not old enough to fear them. But the boys don't have anything to think about but that good cake, especially Oliver!

Of course, there is also the love your children factor. It is so rewarding to see them enjoy themselves while being good. ;)  Of  course Beth probably baked that yummy cake, so she is happy to share her talent and see everyone appreciate her good baking. So it was a good day all the way around.

But then, we have to take in my reaction, which is all good joy. Joy to see my child and grandchildren happy.

We can also count your reaction if it is a good one.  Just so you are not jealous that they had a good cake and you didn't. Shame on me for even thinking such a thing. We know you have a good heart, or you wouldn't have read this far.

We love you all and pray you have a good birthday in your future.

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