Sunday, January 29, 2017

Disney Happiness

This has turned into a celebration of Caleb, who will turn 7  this week.

I am not familiar with him having a penchant for China before now, but it is a reality. He was very impressed by it at Disney World.

I'm anxious  for him to hear his first cousin, Aussie speak Chinese. Since Aussie started taking it when he was four, he has no accent. He is now 14. It is a pleasure to hear him and I'm sure Caleb will be duly impressed. Now if we can just find a trick to get them together. Perhaps the next time Caleb visits us, we can meet Aussie and family 1/2 way.

I've been wanting to see the life size model of the ark in Kentucky for some time now. That would be about 1/2 way and a super place to meet. Not only could we see that ark and more, but Aussie might be able to teach Caleb a few words in Chinese.

Oh, and I believe the Chinese character in the upper left corner for you, means 'happiness'. And last year was the year of the monkey.  This new year for the Chinese, which started January 27,  is the year of the rooster according to the Chinese Zodiac.

Please continue to pray that people in the states will decide to unite instead of trying so hard to cause more division.

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