Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mouse Ears

As you might notice, I'm on a mission to make a book about the big trip to Disney World.  It will take me a while; but I really think they should have something to remind them when they are older of all the things they did and the fun they had.

I'm sure Caleb, in the picture above, really liked this ice cream bar. It was not his last one!

It is thrilling for me to scrapbook this event. It's the next best thing to being there...and not as hard on the knees.

Something else is thrilling to me. We were watching some of the Trump celebration on Fox news this evening.  It was quite lovely. And after I had heard so much in the news about people who refused to take part in it, I was delighted to see so very many people out there in the cold at the Lincoln Memorial. The music was wonderful. I love the song 'I'm proud to be an American'. I also love God Bless America. If that would have been all the music there was, I would have still been fully satisfied, but there was more. It was great.

I love hearing Trump speak to us as if we are the reason he ran. He did it for us, those hard workers in the states who are suffering from a lack of jobs and oppressive rules and regulations. Those were not his words. He said things much better than I could.

There were fireworks that were phenomenal. Ron said he probably bought at a discount the ones Hillary had ordered, then canceled at the last minute when she saw she was going to lose.

Then he and his great looking family filed up the stairs to where the grand statue of Lincoln stands.
They all stood there as if mesmerized by this great man's presence. It was awe inspiring to see the respect in their eyes for that Republican President of long ago who did what was right for his country.

Through it all, I saw Trump's love for his country.

It makes me really sad to hear comments by those whose attitudes will not allow them to really listen to him and take comfort in his presidency.

How many decades does it take one to become an adult these days?

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