Sunday, January 22, 2012

Are You in There?

Ashley loves tigers. So for Christmas she was given a tiger her Gramma.  Don't think she'll be cold in it. She should be as warm as a tiger cub's tummy.

Speaking of warm. I'm a little warm right now... about to boil.

Just read about the EPA threatening the North Dakota Oil Boom. It seems they could stop the boom that has nearly eliminated unemployment in N.D.  The state is now producing almost as much oil as Ecuador, which is a member of OPEC. But the EPA is not happy...are they ever happy with progress?  

While the state has 18,000 well paying jobs looking for workers, and Obama is looking for jobs on the golf course, the EPA is contemplating banning franking. That ban would  shut down the whole business because so many of those wells are using that procedure.  

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Cute! I had to come back to this because my internet was down and I couldn't see the picture this morning.
