Saturday, January 21, 2012

Christmas Train

Was there ever a male who didn't like trains?  Our Caleb surely was surprised and excited when he saw what Santa ( ('m not sure ) had brought him.  It's  a nice wooden track with a sturdy train.

I have another train here (I think) that was his dad's when he was a boy. I'll have to find it.  Later, Caleb can graduate to it...if it still works well.

Newt Gingerich won the primary in South Carolina today.  Interesting turn around. I believe it is the result of the news media smearing him using an ex-wife.   He put them solidly in their place.  He told them it was despicable because what she said  had been proven  was untrue.  He also said that because the reporters dig up everything and sensationalize it against all who run for office, many good men refrain from serving their country in this way. He also related that everyone there had had pain in their lives .  No one was exempt. It seems people relate to that.

Even though I don't remember if he mentioned is a one sided thing.  They are jumping all over every Republican, but not doing the same with Democrats.  For example, they are acting like Romney is a total jerk for having succeeded in business and making a lot of money.  Where were they when John Kerry ran for the president as a Democrat ?  He was the very richest ever to run. estimated his worth at $1 billion.  That is much, much  more than Mitt's $202 million.

As you can tell, I really don't KNOW much tonight, am guessing a lot, but I do know that the Lord is my savior and he can be yours as well if you accept Him and believe what He said is true.  Once you truly believe,  you will find out about Him and follow Him.

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