Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Have Not Forgotten My Blog

It's true.  I've been gone from here for three weeks. Have not forgotten, but have been too busy. Hopefully I'm back for a while.

 I've not created layouts many of those days. And other times, I've made quicker  pages  using pre made layouts, or at least parts of them.  This one is an example. I used a PSD which can be found at Designer Digitals. I left out some parts of it and changed the location of others. It is busier than ones I do  all by myself, but I like the look sometimes.  I really appreciate the help when I  don't have time to create.

This layout tells the story...all that I know about it. Leah went to a  concert with a friend  who grew up in Charlotte, I presume, and her friends from high school. I love the picture. Leah is on your far left. She is our beautiful granddaughter, or I should say, one of our beautiful granddaughters.

I have to  admit I have been paying a lot of attention to the news lately. I find politics with a non-politician at the helm, very interesting. I enjoy all the controversy around it all. It doesn't seem like I can get my fill. Things are happening so quickly.

I know that God is in control. And He is ready for Trump.

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