Aussie visited the Haunted Mansion. I wish he had more time. I'd love to read his description of the house and the ride through it. He has a way with words.
His grandmother (moi) however, is not so gifted, although I would like to be able to make a story come to life. I've often, much earlier in my life, thought I'd like to write an autobiography. However, reality generally hits me soon after that thought makes its presence known. Who would read it? Who would want to read it? Well, that truth has kept me from seeking out a publisher. I certainly wouldn't want to make those closest to me feel guilty for not wasting time between the covers...of that book!
So glad I'm not trying to get in time to write right now. Things are very busy around here. Much busier than I would like at my age... What is this thing I've heard about retiring and resting? Does that really happen to some people? Sometimes I am ready.
When I begin to think like that, I stop and think about our President Trump. He has worked diligently long, long hours all his life. And he has a lot to show for it...even a family who keeps up with him.
At a time when he has the resources, he could sit back and watch. But he, selflessly jumped in to save our country from the direction it was falling so quickly. He works seemingly tirelessly like a young man day after day. Truly altruistic in his actions, he steers our country for the benefit of all the citizens.
May God bless and protect our president and all those who faithfully serve in places of authority in our government. And may He help us know those who are in the 'game' for their own self interests as they are.
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