I thank God for this season. I am thankful that even though we couldn't get all the family together for a feast, we were able to spend our Thanksgiving day (and more) with our beautiful, kind and gracious middle daughter and her husband, whom we love as well. We drove through Amish country in Pennsylvania to their lovely, warm home. We don't get to visit any of the kids often enough with the way we are all scattered and it had been quite a while since we had seen her. We did miss our granddaughter, Lauren who remained in Alabama at school. But we look forward to seeing her on Christmas Day.
We were able to talk to all but Tim. So we're hoping to speak with him soon.
As we traveled past many well kept barns while in and around Lancaster, PA this weekend, I was reminded of the day trip we took in October to the Amish area of Ohio. Since we haven't been home long enough to download my new pictures to the computer, I've brought out a layout I made of that fall visit to their farming community.
I admire the way those plain people live. I can't say that I have always felt like that, but recently I've been leaning toward simplicity. It is something I now crave. However, I don't want to give up the computer or photos of my family.
Keep in touch. I'll be bringing layouts about our recent trip soon.
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