This season, I've been especially fond of the fashions. Of course that could be because I haven't liked the styles much in the past year. Anyway, as I've thumbed through the last two wish books, I've picked out numerous outfits I would like to wear. Of course, I can't just go buy what I want, so I have to make a choice or two. I'm not easy to fit. Not many things are flattering on a short waisted, heavy body...so I have to try on lots of things before I buy.
This layout lets you see how I feel about the way some of the outfits are thrown together lately. I've gotten used to shirt tails hanging out from beneath jackets, but they've gone a little too far this year. Check out some of these combinations. I've commented. If you click on the layout, you will see what I have to say about them. It isn't flattering, like the 'get ups' themselves. I've titled it Unfit Fashion due to the fact that I think they are not fit to wear in public. Just call me an old fashion snob, it you wish. But I won't be wearing the clothes put together as these are.
Agreed--very weird styling. I'm just becoming adjusted to the "layered look" that isn't supposed to match. Our generation has been trained by the fashion industry to look polished and stylish,but today's look is so foreign to me. I am working on it and study the ads/catalogs, trying to create a stylish look that I am comfortable wearing. But it's not these clothes!