Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Back in Time

Didn't do a layout today ( too busy studying and trying to learn more about the computer), so I've chosen a layout from my last book. It reminds me that it is just one more month until I have another birthday. The cute little phrase, "birthdays are better than the alternative" doesn't work with me anymore.  Some days, I doubt it.  And when I look around at the shape of things, I know I'd be better off going on ahead to be with the Father.  However, wanting to see me kids and grand kids again and again, makes me rethink that.   
And I'll get to see the youngest one again in just a few days.  Beth is bringing Caleb to Ohio.  Yippee!

Meanwhile, I'll be learning to use Power Point.  At least that is my aim.  And one other activity is scheduled for tomorrow, since it is the only clear day we've had for a while. I need to poison the weeds on our patio, otherwise, it won't be long until we'll be unable to find it.

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