I'm happy to announce I had no trouble posting my blog tonight. You might notice, I started earlier, just in case.
I'm also happy to announce this new layout. It has taken me some time to actually get around to doing it, then I played it for a while before I was satisfied that it did justice to the occasion.
I'm also happy to announce this will be Robin and Mark's new home once they have spent the summer renovating and bringing it up to their standards. Of course ORU must approve it as well, but there should be no trouble there. We like it already.
I'm also happy to announce that Sarah Palin is at least one step ahead of those who set out to drown her in criticism. She is on the offensive, just as she should be. Sarah has the upper hand here. She is not playing the games of the political world. She is out front hitting hard on the issues. She is offering us, the American people, what we want... a government answerable to the citizenship. Go girl!
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