Thursday, November 28, 2013

Farm Work Balanced with Fun

Farm School has been a great learning opportunity for Caleb.  He learns much as he would if he actually lived 'on the land'. I believe  that on this one day, he not only rode a pig, but he milked a goat, worked repairing something and then walked a balance beam in the barn.

Today is Thanksgiving and  I am most thankful that our God in heaven has promised those who serve him a much better life in the hereafter. As good as it can be here at  times, it will be much better then...and we will not suffer any illness, hurt feelings, or pain.  There will be no results of sin.

Next, I am thankful for the parents who raised me and my husband who  keeps me strong, my children who have made my life full and my grand children, who have me rejoicing daily.  Thank you, God for my blessings. And I pray that you will intervene in this mess we've made of our country, so that we can continue to live free from an overpowering state.

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