Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Preparing for a Train Ride

Preparing for a train ride, John photographs Beth, Caleb and Rado. The Aspen leaves are fully yellow and the sky is blue, blue, blue. The pictures were taken September 29th, only a few of the many really good ones.

Today was a beautiful day in OH...the type of day that Colorado has routinely.

Now, nearly two months later, we are all waiting for a train WRECK, called Obamacare. It is openly failing to come to fruition with all the incompetence of government run anything. Yes, it is much, much worse than the Post Office. I would say openly that I'm glad it is falling apart, yet, my conjecture is that it is all part of the progressive (communist) plan to break all the insurance companies and go straight to the one payer system, which is what Obama wanted all along. That means the government does it all...they just throw the insurance companies out of business like they have done so many others since they took over the presidency. The progressive liberals like it that way. They want to be IN CONTROL. They want to be everyone's boss, because they think they are much more intelligent than the rest of us. They may be more than some of us, but common sense is just as important a factor...and that is lacking big time on the left.

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