I know he will have a good disposition. He already does and he has that smile. It was my mom's and has been passed down. We all like to have fun and laugh.
Speaking of laughing, I had a good one today. Every morning I run to my computer to get the cryptogram sent to me from www.wordles.com. Along with the puzzle comes a quote. Today it was this,"The problem with political jokes is they get elected." -Henry Cate, VII.
The newest joke in the news is a man who had to be provided a lawyer when he went to jail because he had no money. He has won a place on the Democratic ballot in South Carolina. The party is astounded and can't figure out where he got the large sum of cash it takes to run. Looks like they are legally stuck with him.
Somehow however, because I believe the party is now extremely corrupt, I can't help but think that they did this on purpose to split the vote three ways in order to win. Watch out, they may run someone against him, saying he is a Tea Party candidate. They have already tried that kind of thing once, but it didn't work.
We need to watch out for that type of underhandedness during the elections this year. Keep alert. Don't let them circumvent the law anymore. Expose every illegal move.
Hope you have a good day and stay on your toes! Our very lives depend on it.
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