More about Southgate Park...We enjoyed the hike and found the ponds particularly beautiful. One, I hope to feature here later was the home to a variety of water lilies. This pond with the cat tails was directly in front of one of the homes. It was a lovely house that I suppose was built to wrap around that pond. We were checking out the cat tails on one end while a welcome flock of Canadian Geese with 'preteen' goslings gathered on the opposite side.
I'm happy that we've kept our appreciation of simple things. Nature delights us. These cat tails brought smiles to our faces. Oh, how glorious is our Lord, who created all that is good.
There was good to be found in Washington this week. If you haven't heard, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment means what it says and that a municipality can not take away from it's citizens the right to bear arms .
Please pray that this court is not thrown into a tail spin by a liberal (progressive) president. May we continue to enjoy our freedom from oppression.
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