I had a horrible, good for nothing, frustrating night. I wanted to get this layout on here, but couldn't find the perfect ribbon. You say, that doesn't sound so horrible. That may be because you have had some really, really bad nights. I have too, but since I try to behave myself, I don't have many. Last night however, was so bad for me because I am way too serious about keeping up my schedule of one layout a day. It makes me feel like a real failure when I don't make my midnight deadline. Late last night as I was trying to finish this one...and it had to be just right, I couldn't locate this ribbon because my computer program called Bridge, that finds everything for me, just decided to break down every time I opened it. It has not been a good system for me because of that tendency. I wanted my old ACDSEE back. I lost it when I changed computers. It found anything I wanted. Of course I had put full days into programming it, tagging every item that was not named the way I wanted them to be. I had done the same in bridge, only to a lesser extent; so I was extremely frustrated to have it fail over and over. I went to bed leaving my husband working on the problem.
OOwala ( How does one spell that?) When I woke up this morning after my husband had gone to the Y to work out, I found a miracle. What I had needed for months with this machine was a program that actually worked and would fine the one piece of ribbon I wanted out of the 15,000 I have stored hither and thither in my computer. He had set up Picasa with all my material.
(I have used it for my pictures all along.) It has a wonderful search system. AND, believe it or not, my ACDSEE was back! I'm truly thankful to Ron and for his life as a computer expert. But really. I'm thanking God that I can actually find what I have, but even more important... for bringing my husband and me together 43 years ago.
And while I'm at it, I want to thank Him for finding this beautiful inside and out bride for our son John about seven years ago. We love Beth and she is the perfect mother for my sweet, happy grandson, Caleb.
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