Today is the first day in a long time that I've spent over 5 hours working on the yard. I was motivated by the beautiful, sunny, but cool weather. It was perfect for doing the little things that must be done. Weeding, weeding and weeding. I jokingly call this our campground because that is what it usually looks like...a boyscout camp. Ron mowed. Tim was here helping and that made the area shape up nicely. Things got edged, driveways swept, etc. I even trimmed one of the trees a bit. After putting in a flower bed week before last and filling our large pots with flowers, with today's work, it looks fairly nice around here.
I am sad to say that the nice weather we had this spring caused my peonies to bloom a couple of weeks too early. My birthday is tomorrow and I had always cut my favorite flowers for in the house. They have bloomed and died already. Today I cut off all those dried ends.
Thought you would like to see a picture of Ron's Grandmother's Tree Peony that came to us through his mother. Our daughter got them when Gladys passed away. We got them when she moved to Florida. The peony tree loves its new spot and blooms splendidly.
Wow! It is so beautiful!