Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Medieval TImes? No Thanks

On December 30 of this year our grand daughter, Lauren spent an evening with her boyfriend and his parents at Medieval Times.  We've been to one ourselves years ago and for the life of me, I can't remember where we did it.  Perhaps it was in Florida.  It was quite entertaining... even though we had to eat with our fingers.   I assume Lauren and Aron were in the Northeast somewhere nearer their homes.   I could ask, but am in a big hurry to get this blog online. 

Sorry I missed last night.   I found myself away from home when the BIG SNOW hit and decided to spend the night rather than attempt a homecoming around midnight.  Was a good decision.  This morning a little while after rush hour, it took me an hour and 1/2 to make a 30 minute trip.  So the roads are still nearly impassable in some areas.

Back to the Medieval times. It was fun to visit for a short time, but we don't really want to go back there to live, do we?  If not, we need to keep alert, reading all we can, to avoid losing our freedoms.  We  do not want it to go backward into serfdom living under a tyrannical  king. 

No matter that there is no evidence, many vociferous voices on the left are calling for censorship, blaming 'rightwing' talk show hosts for the terrible shootings in Arizona. 

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