Friday, May 18, 2012

Ladies' Retreat 2012

Memphis made fabric flowers for everyone at retreat in April. It was a labor of love, I'm sure. 

The layout shows Jane, and me with Sali.  I'm very happy that God made us all different, for if everyone were like me...there would have been no fabric flowers at retreat, nor would their have been home baked cakes, etc. 

As a matter of fact, I can't remember what I took for snacks because I hadn't been eating for months and didn't even care to go to the grocery store where I might actually see something I wanted to eat.

As for Ladies' Retreat, I fed on the word of God. His word is like honey.

Now, I've hit a plateau, but want to lose another 8-10 pounds. Guess I'll have to starve myself again.
But I'll continue to go back to the Lord's table for spiritual food.

Have been busy going over some memory verses today. For some reason I have an appetite, and that is not good. If you would, I'd appreciate you praying for me to feel full of the spirit, satisfied and not hungry.

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