Sunday, September 11, 2016

Beautiful Little One

My day was packed with activity, now I need some rest. As soon as possible I will slip into bed, rest my head and fall asleep in peace.

But first I need to tell you this is our sweet and happy granddaughter.  

Next I'll say that church went very well this morning.

This evening we watched FaceBook on TV. I can't keep up with technology. I'll never catch up with it. It is a good thing that Ron makes that attempt, even though sometimes it is a little difficult for him as well.  He fixed it so that we were able to watch a three hour show on our big screen TV. 
(Those who know me might wonder how I could sit that  long...well I didn't. I jumped up now and then to run here or there...but it was so loud I didn't miss anything. ) 

It was a program for Dr. Ben Carson's  Faith Votes which included lots of talented singers and musicians and very entertaining speakers with a powerful message. 

I'm not sure how it works, but it was announced near the end that one could watch it on Facebook any time.  I need to find out how to do that. In the meantime, you might be able to find it on my FaceBook if you are friends with me there.

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