When we took the triplets to Firestone Metro Park, they were full of energy which had remained pent up while playing video games. Now was the time to let it go...and they did. It was fun following them around with a camera and all the while wanting to do some of the same things they were. But when you get a certain age (I guess it is different for each person.) you stop doing some 'on the edge' things in fear of breaking something. I wonder if that attitude is what makes one old. Whatever, I've arrived. I would no longer walk the log across the river. Probably would be all right, but who knows?
I'm sure you have guessed Mason isn't four people... I've used a little photoshopping here to show his walk along the wall.
I still like the saying, 'boys will be boys'. I wouldn't want it any other way. And girls, God made them different. Not better, not worse, but different just the same. Ashley is our feminine little girl.
We are glad she has a mind of her own. We have a good time being with these grand children. Boy, I hated to see them go home.
Boys will be boys and tyrants will be tyrants. This is a free country and we are permitted to worship as we please, but we are NOT permitted, or should not be, to ram our choice of religion down the throats of others. And please...How many of you know it is the modus operandi of pork haters is to build a mosque at the site of their conquests? How very offensive it is to see them even suggest erecting anything near the site of 9/11. It was an act of unholy terrorism perpetrated by them. And how utterly disgusting for our president to give them his blessing.
There are way too many people nowadays who are offended with every little thing. But I have to say, this offends me. How about you?
Cute! I love what you did with Mason walking across the logs.