a friend commented that she saw a resemblance of that high school picture to our son John. I guess I'm not good at picking up resemblance in my own family even though I feel safe in saying I see likenesses in other families quite well. (I just recently realized I look something like my mother, even though I never saw it before.)
I pulled out one of John's pictures from '98 to compare the two. I don't see a lot of his dad in that picture.
As I looked at it, my mind went into time machine mode and I started that familiar trip back through the years. It doesn't seem like long since the picture was taken, but so much has happened in those 12 years. John went to Lipscomb University in Nashville and spent a semester in Vienna, Austria, transferred to Ohio State where he graduated, married a wonderful girl he met there and lived in Columbus a while before they decided to go to Bulgaria with the Peace Corps. That was a 2 1/2 year stint and we were able to go see them there and travel down to Greece and the Greek Islands. Back in the states, he was recruited by Colorado State for a Master's Degree. He spent a summer in Mexico with a bamboo project. His bamboo bike company came out of that last year. And as of February he is a father. Yes, it has been 12 years...12 busy years.
If time machines really worked, I'd crawl into one now with the dial set at January 2013, just in time to see the new president take the helm.
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