And of course Gramma just wants to fly over there and give him a big kiss on that messy cheek. Sure is hard being this far away, but the pictures cushion that a bit. And he is growing up in an IPhone household.
Hope he will like the telephone as much as his mom and dad think he will. I really am anxious to hear him chatter over that phone. Hope he is a talker like his dad, otherwise I'll have to depend on someone else keeping me plugged into the action out there.
And talk about action, have you noticed a lot of people have already headed toward Washington for a peaceful inspirational day on Saturday. Wish I were going. I really would like to tag along with friends who are. I wonder how many thousands of people each person attending will represent.
I sure do hope to see a lot about it on television. It would be really good to see the major networks cover it instead of trying to cover it up like other things they don't like. Oh my, it must have been rough under those socialist profs in journalism school. It must be hard to see things happening and yet be afraid to tell the truth to the people. It would be so much easier to report the news than to slant everything to support your own position or that of your boss at the newspaper or TV network.
But you know, if all you reporters (the ones with scruples) would just decide that you will 'tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth', your job would be so much easier and it would also be easier to live with yourselves...and an added bonus...you might save our nation from this progressive sickness that has taken hold of us.
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