Even though the definition of 'family' has been rewritten in the last few years, as far as I am concerned it is a mother and father and their children. This was God's plan from the beginning when he created Adam and then Eve for his helper. We promise in our marriage vows to live together until death. Read the book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible. The mother and father were to procreate and populate the earth.
There are times when a husband or a wife dies. God gave us instruction to take care of the orphans and widows and we should take that seriously.
I know there are very many now who would rather see it another way, but that was God's plan. And when it is followed, we as people are happier. The rules He sat down are for our own good. When we 'do it our way', we may feel better temporarily, but in the end there will be more sorrow.
If you are considering marriage, think it through. Don't just jump in saying, as I have heard,"If it doesn't work out, we'll just get a divorce." There is always scar tissue left behind a failed marriage and it can be far worse on children who really just don't understand.
It isn't easy being married. But it can be much better if you try to give a little. And the old saying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence is a fallacy. It only looks greener until you are standing in it.
Back to Chelle and Greg. We are so happy they love the Lord and have established a good atmosphere for their children, in a family with love at its core, and with parents who love each other.
Is your family not perfect? No one's is. But we must work at making things better...for our own good health and the lives of our children.
God loves you. Trust Him to show you the best road for you.
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