50 years worth of memories for him and quite a few for me as well. Since his class has had numerous reunions, I know them better than the class from which I graduated. And next year, I can hardly believe this, I will have my own 50th. How can that be? I just had my 49th birthday, or did I lose count?
Although one husband there had been warned to not talk politics, I got him started and we had a great time, postulating on how to fix the problems in this country once we 'vote the bums out'. Of coarse others got involved. It is a popular sentiment now.
As we were traveling this afternoon, we passed a place called 'Conspiracy Theory Zone'. All the signs were so right on and entertaining that we parked the car and took pictures. I have 12 in all, plus a picture of a Don't Tread on Me flag on a house there. I hope to get some on the blog tomorrow.
I understand that on Martha's Vineyard, where the president and his family are vacationing at their beach house, the hottest selling T shirt this year has a picture of George Bush smiling and waving, with a caption, "MISS ME YET", then "How is that hope and change thing working out for you?"
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