Today, I chose 7 (the perfect number :) freebies and began the process. I liked the colors in the paper, frame, journaling label, ribbon and pitcher. But the colors in the corner piece, and MEMORIES label were not just right, at least not to me. I went into PSE Enhance and changed those hues to suit me. Then I finished off with some nice shadows. Oh yes, that is what got me started this morning. In the Scrapgirls newsletter (along with a freebie) was a lesson on making unique shadows. I'm happy with the one I did for the pitcher.
Just like the kids, I have to keep my eyes open to discover new things. I love being at this computer, but I don't want to stagnate. There are always new things to learn. I probably should have explored the shadow style settings in PSE long ago, but didn't. I was satisfied with what I knew. Mistake. Never be satisfied. Keep learning.
So you think you know your history, world and American? Why not sit down with this book The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His World and Himself
by Daniel J. Boorstin? You might discover something you didn't know...or you just might feel great that someone else understands it like you do.
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