God certainly made us a beautiful world in which to live. Even though in many places we have messed with it, His handiwork is evident. But there is even a more wonderful place waiting for those who find Him, embrace Him and obey Him. Since He is a loving God, full of grace, He pardons us for our sins and gives us his Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us day by day. What a comfort to know we are His!
I was reminded of a song we sang many years ago that went like this: "This world is not my home. I've just a passing through. My treasure is laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from heavens open door and I can't feel at home in this world anymore. "
The older I get, the more this song rings true to me. I'm not saying I don't enjoy my relationships with family and friends because I truly do...but there is something even better waiting on the other side. What a glorious feeling to know that I am His and I'm in His care.
God is love. His door is always open. Make the choice to serve Him.
Well, I am a little disappointed. The look of brushstrokes that I applied to this picture is missing on line. It must not have as many pixels as it does on my computer, where it appears to have been painted.
It's still very beautiful!!!