Another pleasant thought...we are only one week away from election as of midnight tonight. I am so anxious to change Congress from liberal to being more like the 2/3 of the US citizens who call themselves conservatives.
Of course I am thrilled as well at the chance to overhaul our state government which has been anti business and jobs for quite some time now. We must change the tax climate in Ohio which is now the seventh most taxed state in the union. No wonder not many can afford to do business here!
Although I am not in the right district to vote for Frank LaRose, I can tell you that if you are, he is an honorable young man who has served his country well and at 20 was the youngest Sergeant in the 101st Airborne. He is committed to do his best to bring the government back under control and balance our budget. His wife told him she would support his efforts as long as he holds to his principles and doesn't sell out to get reelected.
I don't have any doubts that he will be steadfast and do exactly what the people want him to do. He gave us personal 'business' cards with all the information one would ever need to contact him at any time. He said that he didn't know how officials could know what the people want if they don't listen. How true...and these days so many hide away to keep from coming in contact with their constituents.
Be vigilant. Read as much as you can find about the candidates before you vote. Don't just take anyone's word for truth. So many are so very untruthful in their quest for power. Newspapers and the TV news have been one sided for many years. Be cautious of all the lies that are being thrown around by those who are desperate to win and keep their power.
Read and pray, then VOTE.
I love this picture of Aussie and I love the layout you created! I can see Aussie as Tom Sawyer. He is very adventurous and loves to learn especially things he shouldn't.