She learned to sew on her own. My mother was a great seamstress and Chelle must have gotten the gene. Each year the kids tell her what they want to be and she makes it... no patterns. It boggles my mind. I didn't get any of those skills. Well perhaps I'm a little creative, but I certainly could not do that. I do well to hem a skirt when the fabric cooperates.
I imagine those of you who are up on these things can name the characters they represent this year. I figure Mason is a baseball player and that is as far as I've gotten in the identification game.
I'm better at identifying which candidates will do what we ask when they are in office. They are the ones who respect the people and our constitution. It is also a good clue to check by whom are they supported. If George Soros is for them, I would not vote for them. It the Communist party has nothing but good to say about them. Look out. I've noticed also that the LWV has a record of supporting bad candidates. Recently, labor union support is not a good sign. If the NEA is for him/her, run the other way...unless you believe in throwing money at a situation instead of insuring teachers are doing their jobs well.
I taught school for several years, first at a poor school where I had to supply most of my materials. Then I moved to a rich district where we had much more than we needed. For example my principal came in one day and said, 'How would you like to have new desks?"
We had very nice desks that were in like new shape. But the school had so much money. They had to spend it or admit they didn't need it. That was not going to happen. I was the same teacher in both schools even though the pay schedule was not the same and what we had to work with was much different. By the way I taught back when children actually learned to read in the first grade...all of them. Well maybe not all. I had one who did not and he is now in jail.
Well, I've been on a lot of subjects tonight. Hope I haven't lost you behind a tree somewhere. We need you to vote.
Study before Tuesday. Don't just listen to mud slinging. No matter who is running, something they did in their lives was not perfect. People can also make up anything and throw it around as truth. Some stories told are just half truths. For example, one contestant locally is a businessman who has been sued many times. That fact is broadcast by his opponent. The trouble with that is, he has won all of those suits . He was found to not be at fault. Remember anyone can sue anyone else. It is a flaw in our present day court system that needs to be fixed.
I hope you are gathering information. The best place to look when the candidate is an incumbent is his/her record while in office. It is public knowledge.
Mason is not a baseball player. He is Ash Ketchum a Pokemon trainer. AussIe is his favorite Pokemon, Monferno. Ashley is one of her favorite characters on Teen Titans, Raven.
ReplyDeleteI can get to your blog, but I can't update my own blog on this thing. So I'm glad you can do it for me. :-)
I love the layout. Funny thing is I can create these costumes with no patterns, but I don't think I could sew a hem in a skirt without it being crooked.