We don't get together enough, so when we do, we get pictures, even though Kim is not fond of doing that. If we didn't love her so much I would avoid the pictures as well. It really puts me in a bad light standing next to her. I look at least twice as big as I would standing beside someone the size of Ron.
Both Ron and I have become 'middle aged' victims of gravity...that is , if we will actually live to 134. Perhaps if we should run to the top of the mountain now...
Let's not slow down, keep running, right up until voting day. We must get the people out in large numbers in order to keep a big majority of votes in the right column.
Today I heard something that I had not thought about before. It is the secretaries of state that decide whether or not to accept votes that have been disputed. Now this is the clicker: the rich billionaire and power hungry George Soros poured MILLIONS into elections some time ago in order to get the people he wanted in those state offices. He is at it again. It does not make me comfortable knowing that they are the very ones who decide whether or not to count the soldiers' votes that due to no fault of their own, didn't arrive on time. They are also the ones who will count the votes of illegal aliens, felons, votes from graves and Mickey Mouse's ballot. And these secretaries are being bought by good old naturalized citizen George Soros.
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