Our oldest is opposed to the cold weather. But for the rest, Ohio does not offer much in the way of jobs any more. The unions have driven so many, many businesses, large and small out of state. No one can afford to pay the workers what they demand with all their perks, etc. It is a shame because we once had a lot of great jobs for those who were not able or willing to go through college. People moved in from other states in droves and boosted Ohio's population.
The loss of those jobs, necessarily meant a loss of management, and highly skilled professionals as well.
It isn't just the big shots who are greedy. It permeates society. It is human nature. We just can not be happy with our condition. We become more and more greedy.
"In Ecclesiastes 3:11, Solomon actually puts his finger on why happiness is so elusive: He says, "God has set eternity in the hearts of men." We're made for something that will last forever, and nothing that doesn't last forever will ever fill the hole in our heart. In fact, we were made for a personal relationship with God, the only One who's big enough to fill that hole because that hole was made for Him." (Bible Gateway.com)
I would say it is that search for something more. We humans try to fill that hole with material things. It can never be filled that way, no matter how much we accumulate.
This condition of materialism infects human kind until they discover there is more to life than self.
When we find God, we see Christ as a living example of how we should live, in service to others, putting them above ourselves. When we relearn that as a nation and we put God first and others second, our nation will return to good times.
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