Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Hams

We've talked about the trials of capturing a good group photo of young triplets. But somehow, I have become fond of these crazy pictures that are the result of the triplets trying to circumvent their mother's plans to get  great poses .  I am especially amused by  the hams they have become over the years.  It must be all the stage training that gives them such personality.

Speaking of personalities,  in the news:  Allen West is on record saying that Obama is afraid to debate him. I wish the president would prove him wrong and step up to the plate. I would love to see and hear that debate!

Don't forget to petition God daily for the safety of our nation from those beyond our borders and from  those already in our states causing turmoil.  And especially pray that  those who have managed to win political offices will be restrained by the hand of God, if that is what it takes.

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