Sunday, May 5, 2013

Apple Chips

Our floors have been refinished. They are beautiful and we have to worry for 1 and 1/2 week with drying it to a point of hardness  where we can walk on them without causing damage. We are also home and striving to get things together for Life Group this Tuesday evening.  So glad our trip kept us out of the way. Also thrilled that we had a great inspirational time at Pepperdine in Malibu, California.
We also were able to meet our son in Long Beach while we were there in California. 

I didn't take many pictures since it looked just like it did last year when we were there, but I do have a few and will do a layout or two later.

Tonight, I'm still back in April will these pictures of Caleb making a most delicious treat, apple chips.

I understand that Face the Nation this morning covered the Benghazi debacle.  If only the newsmen had covered this soon enough to give us a new president this past November.

If you are still trying to ignore what is going on around you, please wake up now. The handwriting is on the wall.  You should have no trouble in seeing what is happening.  I would hope there is still time and if we will return to God, He will deliver our nation.

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