Monday, May 6, 2013

Kangaroo Jumping Boots

It was quite calm in Malibu, at least where we were, but back in Long Beach, we ran into this lady dancing around the street with her hula hoop and bouncy shoes. I really wanted to sneak a picture, but was afraid she would see me.  Then all of a sudden it came to me...anyone who would dress like that and dance around the streets of town would not be one to hide from the I asked her if I could take her picture. I wanted to show my 'kids' her bouncy shoes. She told me they are called Kangaroo Jumping Boots. I had never seen anything like them and was really impressed.  Don't think I'll ask for any for Christmas, but they are pretty cool.

Thinking back to 1973...Nixon had started his second  term of office, when a scandal from his first term came to light.  Now we have President Obama in his second term and finally the news has been broken ( in spite of all the attempts to cover up) about his and Clinton's  disastrous handling of Benghazi.  I am hoping people insist on cleaning up that office and setting him aside.  We definitely need new leadership from the Democratic Party. Surely there is someone who can rise to the top who has not slid into the Communist mindset that now prevails there.

Continue  to pray that God will renew our land and save us from slavery to the government.

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