Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tug of War

At just the right second the photographer hit the shutter. CLICK. Perfection!  We now have an excellent picture of the tug of war match Caleb was having with Rado. We are very thankful this happened on the day of the professional photo shoot.   

It inspired one of my more creative layouts. I'm very pleased with it.

I was also very pleased reading the account of a high school graduation in Kentucky where the student body participated in a prayer during their graduation ceremony. They stood up to the very few who had requested that they not have the traditional prayer because it offended them. The few were told they didn't have to participate in it and could plug their ears if they wanted. In my opinion, it was better that the few were offended than the many offended by having their religious freedom impeded by a few  self centered  trouble makers.

God bless those who stand in their faith when the going gets rough.

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