Saturday, August 19, 2017

I Need a Publisher

My friends are so considerate. I was the only one without sunglasses, so the rest of the 'girls'
took theirs off for this picture.

The day with the girlfriends on the 21st of last month left me with good memories. However, this evening Ron treated me to some special fun because I had such a terrible morning.

Some of you know I've published over 60 books with a company called My Publisher. I was very pleased with the quality, but they sold their business to Shutterfly. I have been struggling with that site for a couple of days and have gotten almost nowhere. I am used to a quality product made in a simple way and dealing with those who could answer questions knowledgeably right away. 

I completely design the whole page on my own computer using Photoshop Elements. All I need to do is drop each page on a page in the book. I need to know exactly the size of the pages. That information was very difficult to fine out, couldn't reach anyone there who could answer. My husband found it by searching the web. However, when I adjusted one of the over 100 pages I had ready to go,
they were not the right size. Even though they measured right and looked right on the templates Ron  found (supposedly for their site) they did not fit. No matter how many times we adjusted that size, it would NOT fit on the page in their book online!  

My husband loves to say that making these books is my life and it is close to being true. Therefore, I'm very sad and frustrated with it all.  I can't find another company that has anything like what I had before. I even considered going back to painting; but  I can't do that quickly enough to leave a family history.

 I did find a place called Mixbook and when I tried to get into their program to work  on my book, they said that I already had used their company but my password wasn't right. since I knew I hadn't used them before I tried the only response I could find there, which was to say I had forgotten my password. They posted that they would send me an email with it, but they did not. I guess they have someone else with the same name. FRUSTRATION.

Ron felt sorry for me and arranged a  good evening with friends. We ate at a place we like, but hadn't been to in quite a while called, The Boulevard. I had a steak shish kabob with large pieces of the most wonderful onions...then we all went out in our pontoon boat for a restful ride around the lakes.

Tomorrow is another day...week actually, and since it is Sunday, I plan to rest. But I'll be back to my pursuit on Monday. I'm now praying God will lead me in the right direction and I will find answers to my questions and the help that I need.

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