There was a big incentive to buy in Pennsylvania. They do not collect a sales tax on necessities like clothing. I could have saved a lot not paying that tax, because we pay 6.5 % in my county in OH; but I saved much more by keeping my credit card in my purse. Oh yes, I was tempted. But unlike our Congress, I don't have money to burn...mainly because they are burning mine...and yours as well.
While PA does not punish it's citizens and others for purchasing necessities, the state has determined that writing a blog should be taxed! And they have decided to charge $300 dollars a year for the privilege. Granted it is not necessary to write a blog, but tax worthy? If speech is taxed, is it free?
Glad I don't live in PA, even though my blog would be exempt (for the meantime at least) because I don't make any money doing it. I do know someone who collects pennies for little ads she has attached to her blog...but she certainly doesn't even make $300 a year. Oh well, just another hand in our pockets. We might as well turn them inside out now or vote for Conservatives in November. Even then, it isn't going to be easy to fix the mess this group has CREATED.
If you will study your history more closely than we were taught in schools, you will find that the bank crash in '29 did not start the depression. The unemployment percentage never hit as high as 10%. It was back down to 6% before FDR came into office and tried to fix our Capitalistic government with laws that were supposed to 'stimulate' to economy, but did just the opposite and caused the Great Depression. That happened a year after the banks crashed. Capitalism fixes itself. If a business fails, it goes out of business and another one will come along who manages better and offer the same product or service.
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