If ANYTHING happens to prevent a free election in November, we WILL KNOW that it was planned that way. It didn't just happen. No matter what may stop our free voice at the polls, short of simultaneous earth quakes across the USA, we will suspect the progressives planned it that way. For example if we are hit by a bomb, we can blame it on the ultra liberals in office who are afraid of the people's vote.
I guess it is too late now that it has passed, but check online this terribly intrusive Financial Overhaul Bill. Bits and pieces have been included here and there that further inhibit our freedom. Look at Article 14, for example. It will take us a long time to recover from the damage done to this country by Marx lovers.
By the way, it is predominately Democrats who passed it. However three Republicans, Rhinos (Republican in name only), went along with it. Remember at the polls. Don't go by the party name. Investigate the individual, not what he or she says, but his or her history.
And meanwhile, trust in God and keep smiling.
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