Perhaps that is why I'm going out of my mind, figuratively I hope. Our government is no longer playing by the rules. Our Constitution was laid down a long time ago and our country has done well under it. But now, due to conflict with those who don't like us ( is it jealousy?) and want us to no longer be a powerful influence in the world, they are tearing us down, brick by brick from the inside. They've dissolved our borders and legislate against those who would enforce the law.
Oh, but we have people rising up to the challenge. We are moving back to our roots as a Christian nation and are coming out strong. While the Obama administration makes fun of us, the people, we know he is frightened by our power. Otherwise, he would ignore us. He wouldn't feel threatened. And by that I don't mean him personally, but his type of governance.
If you remember, on Wednesday I told you the NAACP had denounced the Tea Party as racists. Oh my are they oh so wrong. This evening at dinner time we watched the Glenn Beck Show on Fox News. Poor fellow is as fair as they come and blond with blue eyes. Does that make a difference in his soul? Absolutely not!!! Sitting beside him were two prominent black ministers, one male and the other female. They were very learned. Glenn and they discussed the problem with the theory of collective salvation. Heretofore I hadn't heard much about that. I learned for sure with Biblical proof tonight that it is malarky. It is leading many down the road to sure destruction, if you want my opinion. Salvation necessitates a personal relationship with the savior, Christ Jesus.
One thing I failed to tell you, the lady minister, Dr. Alveda King, has her doctorate and is the niece of Martin Luther King. Now that is impressive. It seems many are seeing the danger in the present administration's contempt for Christianity as much as his politics. They are becoming willing to stand against the Democratic machine and think for themselves. Praise God for our black brothers and sisters who may yet be the ones to save this nation from 'this present darkness' in which we find ourselves .
I really haven't done justice to the inspiration these ministers were for me. You must check out Glenn Beck's site and see for yourself how enlightened these guests are. www.glennbeck.com.
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