Instead of visiting Cedar Point, which we would have loved to do. (I feel the need to keep in the same league as their other grandparents who live in Florida and have been with them to Disney World. ) I love the park as well. But with the economy like it is, we opted to enjoy the public parks and go to the local zoo.
These pictures were taken at Firestone Metropolitan Park. We found a peaceful little pond with a dock marked Fishing, Kids under 15 only. We had planned to go back with fishing poles, but didn't find the time. Talking about time. It flies by much too fast when the kids are here. It will be much too long until they are able to return. I wish they lived closer...much closer.
Any way...TIME. I have at times wanted to make TIME stand still. Not at the present, however. I'm afraid of each approaching moment. What will be taken from us next? I am now one of the 'old timers' who talk about the 'good old days'. If we don't get the working and 'wish they were working' citizens out to vote this fall, ( Watch for preventative measures like Black Panthers at the polling booths.) the only thing that could save us is a miracle...like a time machine. Take me back to the past. I'd gladly hop on and move back to the 50's, for example. I don't want to be left sitting on the dock.
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