Sitting here in this chair and looking through my window into the glories of God's creation makes me very much 'at peace'. It is wonderful to watch the Finches, Cardinals and other birds searching for food. I've made it easy for them out there. They share well. Of course, larger birds sometimes move in for a while and go to the front of the 'line'. It seems to me that they bully the others and grab more than their share, but the others eat whatever falls to the ground. They all get their fill. It is fun watching a squirrel attempt to climb the pole to the bird feeder which is just not sturdy enough to hold him. But he too seems to get a treat dropped by the birds into the foliage nearby. Little chipmunks get a few bites as well. I wonder if they consider this their little Garden of Eden. There is, however, something for which they have to be alert... my cat, also God's creation, but a predator nonetheless. So while they are busy scurrying or flitting around their little haven, they must keep alert, just as we do.
Enjoy what God has given you, but don't forget to watch for those who would take it away. You should be wiling to move over to let someone less fortunate pick up bits. You will want to share. You may even give up something dear to you if it is needed by another. But you don't want to lose your freedom to worship your God in heaven. And you don't want to lose your very lives. And that, my friend's is the struggle that is well on it's way to your paradise.
Beautiful analogy.