This year, we were more conservative. We went to Build a Bear where Aussie and Ashley made 'bears' and outfitted them. Mason chose to get a computerized game at Sam's Club where we found it cost $10.00 less than we had seen it before. Good shopping Mason. You impress Gramma with your skill for finding a deal.
And we all ate cake. It was a joy celebrating with them, even if we had to rush it a bit. They will be 8 on July 27th.
My title today comes from the phrase "Let Them Eat Cake". This phrase "is widely attributed to Marie-Antoinette (1755-93), the Queen consort of Louis XVI. She is supposed to have said this when she was told that the French populace had no bread to eat."
I checked this out on google (http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/let-them-eat-cake.html) and found that it is now being disputed as her quote.The article also questioned the reason behind it.
History is being rewritten as I sit here and you need to be aware of that. Of course there is no way that I could know at this time whether or not it was she who uttered these words or what her motivation may have been; but there are many things I do know from our American history that are being altered daily. Our textbooks reflect the opinions of those who would have us see this nation as anything but Christian. They are changing or omitting facts to suit their agendas. Watch for it and teach your children at home...they are not getting an adequate history in most of our public schools. I don't necessarily mean homeschooling, but we must take some time away from TV, computer and organized sports to make sure they do not remain ignorant. It is a shame to earn an honorific degree and still be unaware of truth!
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