My husband drives a Prius which gets similar gas mileage, but is much bigger and is deceivingly very roomy inside. He doesn't pretend to be smart...just conservative. However, it is smart to be conservative. It is smart to save gas, to save money on gas, to save money anywhere one can.
Likewise, it is smart for governments to save money whenever they can. It boosts the economy when less money is going for services or into the salaries of politicians and more stays in the pockets of citizens who can then spend it as they see fit. Of course government these days believes that you and I are not smart enough to spend our own money wisely. They want to spend it for us. Some call it 'cradle to grave'. They take away your freedoms and monitor your life from the time you are born until they lower you into the ground. Sad that so many people will give in to that. They find out too late that they are slaves of the state.
One of the latest 'works' of our beloved president's wife is to make sure we don't eat too much. She recently said that having dessert is not a right. Well I'm here to tell you, you and I have the right to eat dessert if we want it, given we don't steal it from someone else.
Oh and by the way, the United Nations has told us we need to give up our air conditioning. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to do that as long as I can afford it...and I would give up plenty of other things to make sure I have cool air...things like acrylic nails, extra cell phone minutes, fancy clothes, hairdos, movies. I could go on and on. We have the right to decide just how we want to spend our own money. Hold on to that right. Vote Conservative in November.
Do you think if I were to put a sign on my back that says, SMART, people would believe I am?
Ha. Ha ha! If you put a smart sign on your back I'm sure people would think you are a smart a$$.