Thought I'd show you this before I go into a narrative about my day today.
Relax and know that my day is not terribly bad. You might just want to laugh at me a little.
My bad day is the result of a multitude of errors. Ron’s and mine. Nothing tragic, but not really good either.
I got up earlier than usual happy to have a day free to catch up on some chores around as well as do my usual Monday cleaning and washing.
I had stripped the bed and had a load of things in both the washer and dryer.
I grabbed a stack of newspapers and (yes, I do recycle them) bent over to put them in a grocery bag. That’s it, just bent over and messed up my back. It wasn’t really bad, so I continued working. But it was soon that I realized my driver’s license is missing. (The one with the good picture of me that I had just gotten last month after carrying a hideous picture on my last one for four years.) The last time I had it was when I stopped at the bank to cash a check on the way to Sali’s to get my haircut on Wednesday. I remember taking it out of the bank envelope when it was delivered down the shoot outside the bank. I thought I put it in a pocket so I could quickly move on to let someone else drive up to the window.
I checked pockets in every pair on pants I have, then realized I had gone from Curves and had on workout pants…no pockets. I thoroughly searched my purse (the one made of jeans with four pockets) and another purse, just is case. Tore apart my car. No luck.
Ron came home in a tizzy. The deposit he thought he had taken to the bank was in his car and his tax check had bounced, not once, but twice. He was hoping he could straighten that out, but since it had taken some time for him to find out it had bounced, he will have to pay a 5% penalty in addition to bounced check fees! If he were one day later discovering this oversight, it would have been 10%. At least we can be thankful it didn’t go that long.
Then I had to go to Curves, even though I really wanted to get out and pull some weeds today. I thought that would make my back better. NOPE. I very carefully got on and off the machines. I finished my routine, skipping a couple of the exercises. I had been very cautious, but noticed a twinge now and then.
On the way home, I needed to pick up a green pepper at the fruit stand; so I went in... without a cart…all I needed was a pepper. Of course I picked up a basket of peaches by the door, got the pepper, grabbed a bag of carrots and a package of big slicing tomatoes, stacking them all up in front of me. By the time I got through the checkout line, I was ready to scream in pain. But I didn’t. I managed to pay …took a buggy out with me and getting into the car, hurt my back. Finally I made it home.
When I went in the house, I was welcomed by a kitchen floor full of suds. Ron was out painting a rental. He had taken all the dirty dishes out and put Lime Away (I have no idea how much.) in the dishwasher to get rid of the white deposits on my glassware. (I’ve probably told you that my dishwasher doesn’t really work anyway. I have to wash them before I run the dishwasher. It has been like that since we moved here. I just run it to be sure things are sterilized because Ron looked at it once and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.)
I don’t know if the Lime Away was a stupid idea or if it was because I had detergent in it ready to wash the dishes when I got home.
I got lots of towels and sopped up all the water on the floor and inside the washer. It didn’t feel good, but it had to be done. I carried the heavy wet towels to the laundry room and completely threw out my back.
When I made it to the phone, I called the chiropractor , but he couldn’t take me until Wednesday afternoon!
God is good. While I was typing this, the doctor called to say his 5:00 just canceled.
Please pray my driver’s license shows up somewhere…and not in the hands of someone who uses it illegally. It’s been since Wednesday and it doesn’t look promising.
I'll remember as I lay down to sleep, "new every morning, great is your (God's) faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:23) and in down to earth terms...the sun comes out tomorrow.
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