It was so cool to see this on my husband's IPhone this past weekend. What a joyful thing to wake up in the morning and see smiles like these. Two of a kind, these guys. Their smiles are much more than skin deep. I was happy to find this quote by Democritus. It fits the layout so well.
IPhones are super phones. From wherever we happen to be,we can sit and talk to our son and his wife, Beth and Caleb in Colorado. We can actually watch Caleb play. John can also send us videos. It certainly makes it much easier to be at peace with them living so far away.
And speaking of peace, I'm sure that peace will come about in Iran soon, since Ahmadinejad met with the Black Panthers and Louis Farrakhan while he was in this country. What happened to the term treason? Is it no longer in use?
I guess it must not be, otherwise Barbara Walters would not have honored Jane Fonda on ABC's A Celebration:100 Years of Great Women.
It is okay to get mad about this type of thing. Just don't lose your cool. Americans will be joining together, men and women, rich, middle class and poor, black and white, yellow and red in November to defeat those who have taken us down this path to destruction. Just keep your eyes open to all they do while talking like things are so much better than they are. Also know that since they don't have anything of substance to say about themselves, they are stooping very low to slander all the good candidates who at this point are ahead in the polls.
Don't get complacent. We have to get out the vote. I'm sure there will be many votes that are not legal. That has been the liberal game plan in the past and it won't do anything but get worse.
This is so.sweet!