I am blessed to have pictures in good condition. A few are not, but so far, they have been easily fixed with PSE8. For those of you who might not be familiar with that. It is a cut down version of Photoshop which serves me very well. It can be purchased at Sam's Club for less that $100.
Of course $100 can be a lot of money for those who can't find work now because our illustrious president is spending all we and our kids can possibly send to Washington ...and much more.
Yesterday I heard a brave lady who has blown the whistle on Acorn and Barak Obama. Her name is Anita MonCrief. You might want to check out her website at www.emergingcorruption.com. I would rather you hear it from her than from me.
I am so tickled you are working on this album!!! And with digital scrapbooking- anyone in our family who WANTS a copy can order a book. YIPEEE!