It is now, 10:30.
We were able to get to Borders a about 11;00. Ron went quickly to the coffee shop while I grabbed a place in line. Now, you could never meet nicer people that those in line. It was easy to strike up conversation. We were all on the same track. A young high school freshman was in line two places ahead of me. We were interested in his history. He now lives in Mexico, but attends school here. He is Anglo Saxon, but speaks fluent Spanish as well as his native English.
He was the boy anyone would be proud to have as a son. After we were there a while... the line still not moving, a friend of his came up to us. He didn't miss a beat, but told him he would join him at the back of the line... foreign to the way most kids would do these days (and many adults) who would crowd several into the line without apology.
One lady impressed me with her knowledge. She was a retired teacher and had checked out Fox News when someone she knew had been telling her how bad it was. She decided to see it for herself. She loves it.
It has been my experience that those who bash Fox, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh the most have never ever seen them. They are just parroting what they've heard. But then those people do us a service by calling attention to Fox. And I wish to thank them.
Finally Glenn arrived , I think it was about 15 minutes late. He had a strict schedule and was due in Columbus at 4:00. He had autographed bookplates to give to those whose books he didn't get signed during his stint at Borders. But understandably, he wanted to sign for all.
By the time he got there, the store was full of people waiting in a long line that wrapped through every aisle in the sore. So his workers were handing out instructions about having the books open to the right page so that everything would move quickly. Everyone would get his name and a hand shake and move right along. Imagine my surprise when I shook his hand and said, " I'm really happy to meet you", and he looked me in the eye and said, I want to give you a hug...and he did... a sincere hug, like he knew me. Ron was there with the camera and took several pictures. But it really wasn't long and his 'handlers' were hustling me along. There were many more books to be signed.
He is a very kind and loving man. His eyes tell it all.
I had bought the book earlier and have been reading just a chapter a day. My reading has slowed with age and the book is meaty. It is very well written and well documented. I certainly recommend "Broke" to all who value freedom.
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