Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Caleb is Alert

Caleb is alert. He doesn't miss anything. We were out lazily cruising the lake, enjoying nature and the beautiful weather.  However, Caleb's attention was quickly diverted when an airplane flew overhead.

Okay. Where should he be looking? It really doesn't matter. He isn't missing anything important to his survival.  Yet we are distracted daily now with this or that and miss power plays coming from the executive office.  Naturally, the leftist media goes along with the game and covers up the serious breach of power by calling attention away from it. And then when someone does catch it, they try to confuse the situation as much as possible.

So what am I trying to tell you?  Keep your eyes open and your mind in gear.  Know your Constitution inside and out so no one can say it means something it doesn't. or that is  doesn't mean what it says clearly.

Realize that the state of Arizona has just been turned over to the world. It no longer has borders, as far as the president is concerned. The Supreme Court ruled in Arizona's favor on one detail. The police were allowed to check for citizenship of those who were stopped for other offenses.  But our president quickly  went over their heads with an edict making Arizona borders meaningless and asking that people spy on the police to make sure they didn't make any moves contrary to Obama's  wishes.

Of course, if you watch CNN, MSNBC, NBC ABC, or CBS, you would never know this, because those networks are in the pocket of the multi billionaires on the left.  Being loyal to those stations or reading the newspaper only is a threat to your very life and the life of our nation.

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